I was recently talking to a colleague about the popularity of so many different terms used now a days to describe services in the cloud or in engineering and technology in general, software as a service (SAAS) for instance or infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), managed software as a service (MSaaS), mobile backend as a service (MBaaS), datacenter as a service (DCaaS), and even information technology management as a service (ITMaaS). I’m sure the list could go on an on, these terms are often used to describe the type of service provided, a licensing model, on-demand services that are automated, easy to use and without the complications inherent when creating a local environment, physical installations of servers or other low-level software or network. However, there is something missing and that is seldom mentioned, the human element, all of those services are backed for the most part by engineers, scientists, who have gone through many years of experimentation, trial an error, preparation, schooling, countless hours of experience researching and experimenting and implementing those solutions, in short, all those services are available because of the human factor behind them.
So, when it came time to describe what we do at SoftwareCraft using a simple term was not easy, we build teams for companies to be successful, provide advice on software architecture and infrastructure and software development best practices, and also work hand in hand to open software development or technology operations in Latin America if that is what is required. This value added and experience that can accelerate your success when engaging with us or with other companies providing years of engineering or business knowledge sometimes gets lost. The question is how to bring it up-front and visible to our clients? The success of all projects in engineering depends not only on the tools and widgets that allow cool things to happen, the use of one technology over another, AWS versus Azure or Google Cloud Platform but to the people in your teams using it, transforming it, innovating and putting them to work for your problem, or product or project, it is people at it’s core that make it happen.
Also, when we tried to come up with a single descriptive word for the work we do we were at a lost, we thought about the typical words, outsourcing, consulting, staff augmentation, all of them very valid and used broadly but nothing that in our opinion captured the fact that at the bottom of all this was a dedicated engineer or team of software engineers, product managers, test engineers, product owners who were eager to tackle that one difficult Big Data or AI project, or that dreaded migration from a local data center to the cloud with all those security or performance constrains, or that mobile product that has to look identical in both android and iOS as per specs, behind every successful launch, finished product there is at least one Engineer who brought all his or her knowledge to make it happen. In the end we are still in that search, maybe it’s not just one term but a few, we were thinking about Engineering as a Service (EAAS) to capitalize on the hunger for new acronyms (kidding) or maybe we can start using a tag line, something cool like “Powered by Human Ingenuity”, In any case we are still searching and if you do have feedback or a good idea or opinion please let us know, we would love to hear it, the human factor is always what matters.
You can visit us at www.softwarecraftcr.com we are here to partner with you and share our experience and knowledge and help your company close that technology need or gap with our teams.

Professional technologist with over twenty years of experience leading technology teams building products for active traders and investors in the financial trading and securities markets both in the US and Japan. Avid technologist and passionate about helping professionals or companies succeed by mentoring directly or as part of professional organizations.
If you are interested in our services, please write us at Info@softwarecraftcr.com and for those interested in working with us, send your resume to Careers@softwarecraftcr.com.